Monday, November 30, 2009

Final: Things That Make Me Happy

I used to love to play piano, but over the years I have stopped. Now I am going to reestablish my love for it by learning how to play again. (I forgot to save this before I resized it for printing.)

Green tea is my favorite thing to drink. I especially love that these big cans are only 99 cents.

I love animals. This photo is of my cat that I've had since third grade. He makes me happy because he is always there to greet me when I visit at home.

The holiday season makes me really happy. I love getting ready for Christmas and putting up the tree. This picture has a cozy feeling to it because it reminds me of being in our nice warm house when it is cold outside.

Reading also makes me happy. Whenever I read, the books take me to a different place and I can escape reality for a while.

The smell of coffee brewing in the morning reminds me of home. Curling up on the couch with a hot cup of coffee and relaxing is one of my favorite things to do.

Fall is my favorite season. I like when the leaves on the trees start to change colors. I think fall has some of the prettiest scenery.

Out of all of these, music makes me the happiest. I love going to concerts and seeing the music I love being performed live. This sign is from the most recent concert I attended, which also happened to be of my favorite band.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Some final project images...

I really want to use a picture from this concert, but they basically all turned out grainy and the lights were way too bright. I'm still trying to make them work though. If not, I will work with the picture below.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Gender Swap Assignment

This is the final image after doing the gender swap.

This is the adjusted picture I used to replace the flapper's face with.

I chose an old image of a flapper to do the gender swap with.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Street Photography

For this assignment I decided to take pictures of the different kinds of parking in South Side.

Parking garage at South Side Works.

Giant Eagle parking lot.

Street parking on 22nd.

Meter parking on Carson Street.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Landscape Assignment

This image was taken under a bridge at the top of 21st Street in South Side. I changed the contrast levels of the blues and greens.

This image was also taken under the bridge at the top of 21st Street. I darkened the image and changed the contrast levels of the red.

This was taken down along the Riverfront trail in South Side. I boosted the levels of green in it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Assignment 1: Settings - Outdoor

Bad image - I took this one behind Giant Eagle in South Side. I used the twilight portrait setting. It was starting to get dark out and I thought taking the picture on this setting would make it turn out better. I was having trouble holding the camera still while it was capturing the image, so it turned out very blurry.

Assignment 1: Settings - Indoor

Good image - I took this photo in my kitchen area on the soft snap setting of my camera. It isn't anything special, but I thought it would help me to see the difference between each setting on my camera.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Assignment 1 - Dustin Kensrue of Thrice

This picture was found on Flickr. I like this image because of the light coming from behind the singer and because of how it was taken from below. This photo also brings back memories of when I have seen this band in concert.

First Post

This will be a blog for the photos I take in my Art of Photography class.